Gin- ah~ it was a harsh battle, but you see, I won your mommy.
Hitsugaya- . . . I think I'm going to have nightmares.

Gin- It was all according to my great plan. ^__^
Gin- I took Ichigo back to Soul Society and seduced him and. . .
Gin- and and and . . . *__*
Gin- Ahh~ I can't forget how cute Ichigo was that night~ That's how we had you, by the way.
Hitsugaya- Can I like. . . die now? : traumatized for life :
Ichigo- Who the hell got married to you and slept with you and had a kid with you?!
Gin- X__X
Ichigo- Quit making stupid crap up, you trickster! T___T
Gin- Love hurts. . . T___T